Mia can now stand on her own for a few seconds. She managed to clap her hands while standing. It's so exciting to see her reach these amazing milestones. I feel like such a proud mama. I have to chase her a bit more now, (it might help me shed a few pounds, so i don't complain). She's really good at holding on to furniture or anything that is close to her and pulling herself up to a standing position. She says dadda all the time now. I'm still waiting for mama, although she did manage to say it once, but won't repeat it. She eats scrambled eggs, vegetable puffs and likes to drink water out of her sippy cup. She has five teeth out now, 3 on top and 2 bottom teeth. When Eric gets a chance, he sneacks food that I wouldn't necessarily approve off. I have to keep my eyes on him.

She loves playing in her room, pulling her books out of basket and when she gets her energy out on ripping magazines apart. I don't know what it is but kids love paper. She rips it to pieces. Fun to watch. She will try to sneack a few in her mouth, then we battle to get it out.

Mia asking dadda to pick her up. She will hold on to his leg and begin saying dadda, ladda, papa, anything that sounds close to that. So adorable to see. Eric's heart melts every time. Too irresistable.