Monday, October 31, 2005


I couldn't help but post three pictures of her in this cute Moo Moo costume. Posted by Picasa

Mia is now 3 months. She can now sit up with little help and push up when she lays on her tummy. Now that her hands are open she grabs her blanky and puts it in her mouth.  Posted by Picasa

Eric bought Mia this cute Moo Moo costume. She was laughing so much during this photo shoot. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A day at the beach.

Mami you are my ray of sunshine. Posted by Picasa

and they call it Papi love... Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 07, 2005

Another picture of me
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Sweet cheeks

Sweet cheeks
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Melina is so precious and friendly. She came right up to me and gave me a hug. Titi Lydia giving Mia a big hug.
Rodriguez Family: Grammy Nanin, Grampy Carlos, Eric, Vilma, Mia, Titi Lydia, Titi Neyda and Melina.

Mia hanging out with grammy, grampy and Titi Lydia

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Getting Mia ready for church sabbath morning.  Posted by Picasa
Titi Melissa

My good friend Penny from Mexico, Maine. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Mia just had her two month doctors visit. She weighs 11lbs.11oz., 23inches long. She was immunized with four different vaccines(ouch). She cried bloody murder, and I cried along with her. That was tough to watch. She was fussy for the next two days. Some cuddling, tylenol and warm baths soothed her to sleep. Eric was having too much fun in this picture. Mia wanted her mommy.I hope you enjoy our family website.

Tub time is fun and easy. She never cries, not even when you wash her hair.

Mia in her cradle swing. One of the best inventions ever. She's very attentive, holds her head up, coos, and smiles a lot.