We are excited that Mia has began to show interest in potty training. She has successfully done pee pee in the toilet with one small poo poo. I was amazed how much she understood when it came down to the potty. She gets a kick out of the Sesame Street potty seat and flushing the toilet. We know it will take some time before she will master the technique, but look forward to using less diapers :). Anyone with good potty training tricks? I have a few in mind, but not sure if she is ready or will understand. Let me know what you guys think?
Go Mia Go! I love the picture Vilma. She's so grown up with her book.
There are a couple techniques we use in the day care. Everytime we realize they have soiled their diaper, we remark how uncomfortable they must be and explain that they don't have to be uncomfortable if they use the potty. Then, when they have a fresh, new diaper on, we talk about how much better it feels to have a clean diaper on versus a dirty one.
Dr. Phil has a technique that has been proven very effective for toddlers in my day care. Go to: http://www.eztrain.biz/drphil.html and you can find a variety of things to try! Happy pooping! Hehe...
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